3rd International Research Conference of ITUM - 2024

"Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative and Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Engineering Practices"

The Institute of Technology, University of Moratuwa (ITUM), launched its first-ever research symposium in 2013 with the goal of cultivating a robust research culture within the institution. Since then, it has become an annual hallmark of the ITUM calendar serving as a distinguished platform to articulate and disseminate diverse and intricate research endeavours.

From its inception, the research committees of ITUM adeptly organized six symposiums, thereby facilitating a scholarly environment where ITUM academic staff could document and engage in meaningful discourse regarding their multifaceted, subject-specific research projects. In a significant expansion of its vision, the 2019 symposium introduced a limited number of slots for industry researchers, granting them the opportunity to share their invaluable professional insights into industry-related research.

The establishment of the ITUM Research Unit (ITUM-RU) in 2020 further broadened the horizons of research at ITUM. In 2021, the symposium was opened to researchers from other esteemed higher education institutions, universities, and industries across Sri Lanka. However, the 2021 symposium was conducted in a virtual format in response to the global pandemic, ensuring the continuity of scholarly exchange.

In 2022, the ITUM-RU extended the symposium’s reach by inviting international scholars, thereby fostering global collaboration in various technology-related domains. This pivotal year culminated in the renaming of the symposium to the "International Research Conference of ITUM 2022," reflecting its enhanced scope and significance.

The following year, 2023, witnessed a further elevation of the conference, as ITUM-RU collaborated with the International Institute of Management Sciences (IIMS) under the theme "Industry 5.0 – Prospect and Retrospect." This partnership underscored our commitment to addressing contemporary challenges and opportunities in the field.

This year, the Research Unit of ITUM is poised to host the 3rd International Research Conference under the theme "Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative and Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Engineering Practices." The abstract book will be published as the “Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Conference of ITUM 2024, bearing the ISSN number 2773-7055.

ITUM-RU cordially invites local as well as foreign scholars from all disciplines to contribute their insights and research findings to foster collaboration and advance the frontiers of sustainable engineering in the following tracks.


Track 1: Sustainable Infrastructure and Mechanical Systems.

Sustainable Construction Materials, Green Building Technologies, Transportation Systems, Sustainable Water Management, Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability, Sustainable Transportation, Urban Planning, Urban Drainage Systems, Water Recycling and Reuse, Energy-Efficient Systems

Track 2: Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grid Technologies.

Advancements in Solar Technology, Wind Energy, Telecommunications Technologies, Smart Energy

Track 3: Sustainable Materials and Green Manufacturing Processes.

Biodegradable and Sustainable Polymers, Sustainable Textile Production, Processing Techniques, Material Science, Polymer Processing, Separation Processes, Recycling and Upcycling Technologies

Track 4: Digital Solutions for Sustainable Engineering.

AI and Machine Learning, Big Data, IoT for Smart Infrastructure Management, Simulation and Modeling Tools

Track 5: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainability in Education.

STEM and Humanities integration, Innovative Teaching methods, Quantitative Analysis and Modeling, Ethical and Cultural Dimensions of Engineering

Important Dates

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 20th September 2024 at 23.00 hrs extended till 23rd September 2024 at 23.00 hrs (Sri Lanka time | GMT +5.30)
Conference: 18th December 2024

Extended Abstract Submission Submit

Guidelines for Submission
We welcome contributions that address a wide range of topics related to innovative and cross-disciplinary approaches to sustainable engineering practices.
Manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.
All submissions will undergo a peer-review process to ensure high academic standards.
Please submit both Word and PDF versions of your manuscript.

Conference Registration           Conference Registration

Registration Fee
Presenters (local) : LKR 5000
Presenters (foreign) : USD 50
Participants (local) : LKR 2000

Mode of Payment : Bank Transfer
Bank Name : Bank of Ceylon
Account Name : Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa
Account Number : 83062337
Branch : Homagama branch

Payment Instructions
Mention your NIC during the deposit as a reference.
Attach the bank slip to the registration form, clearly indicating the name of the participant.


Conference Flyer
Guidelines for extended abstracts
Correction report (.pdf / .docx)
Guidelines for camera ready copy of extended abstract formatting (.pdf / .docx)
Author consent form (.pdf / .docx)
Powerpoint presentation template (.pdf / .pptx)
Conference Agenda
Conference Proceedings

Our Speakers

Chief Guest

Prof. U. P. Nawagamuwa
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Moratuwa

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Ishara Dharmasena
Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical &
Manufacturing Engineering
Loughborough University, England

Special Speaker

Assoc. Prof. W. B. M. Thoradeniya
Division of Civil Engineering Technology
Institute of Technology
University of Moratuwa


Speaker Title / Theme Date & Time
Dr. Ishara Dharmasena
(Keynote Speech)
Topic : Super-Smart Textiles: A Cross-Disciplinary Journey
Towards Future Wearable Technologies
18th Dec. 2024
9.40 am - 10.10 am
Assoc. Prof. W. B. M. Thoradeniya
(Special Speech)
Topic : Multiple Intelligence and Sustainability
in the Engineering Industry
18th Dec. 2024
10.20 am - 10.50 am

Contact Us

Head - Research Unit
Mrs. M. M. P. D. Samarasekara
Email Icon researchunit@itum.mrt.ac.lk
Conference Chair
Dr. (Mrs.) Kalpana Galappaththi
Email Icon kgalappaththi@itum.mrt.ac.lk
Conference Co-chair
Dr. (Mrs.) N. P. K. Semananda
Email Icon premilas@itum.mrt.ac.lk
Conference Co-chair
Dr. (Mrs.) P. B. T. K. Premarathne
Email Icon kpremarathne@itum.mrt.ac.lk
Conference Secretary
Dr. (Ms.) Nadeeka D. Tissera
Email Icon nadeekat@itum.mrt.ac.lk

Conference Feeback                  Conference Registration